22  Joining 2: One-to-Many, Multi-Key Joins & Key Mismatches

22.1 Packages

import pandas as pd
import country_converter as cc

22.2 Data

Run the code below to load and define the datasets to be used in this lesson.

# Load datasets
oil_consumption = pd.read_csv(
tidyr_population = pd.read_csv(
country_regions = pd.read_csv(

oil_2012 = (
    oil_consumption[oil_consumption["year"] == 2012].copy().drop(columns=["year"])

# people data
people = pd.DataFrame({"name": ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"], "age": [25, 32, 45]})

test_info_many = pd.DataFrame(
        "name": ["Alice", "Alice", "Bob", "Bob", "Charlie", "Charlie"],
        "test_date": [
        "result": [

farm_info = pd.DataFrame(
        "farm_id": [1, 2, 3],
        "farm_name": ["Green Acres", "Harvest Hill", "Golden Fields"],
        "location": ["County A", "County B", "County A"],

crop_yields = pd.DataFrame(
        "farm_id": [1, 1, 2, 3, 3],
        "crop": ["Wheat", "Corn", "Soybeans", "Wheat", "Barley"],
        "yield_tons": [50, 60, 45, 55, 30],

traffic_flow = pd.DataFrame(
        "street_name": [
            "Main St",
            "Main St",
            "Elm St",
            "Elm St",
        "time_of_day": ["9am", "2pm", "9am", "2pm", "9am", "2pm"],
        "vehicle_count": [1200, 900, 1500, 1100, 700, 600],

pollution_levels = pd.DataFrame(
        "street_name": [
            "Main St",
            "Main St",
            "Elm St",
            "Elm St",
        "time_of_day": ["9am", "2pm", "9am", "2pm", "9am", "2pm"],
        "pm_2_5_level": [35.5, 42.1, 40.3, 48.2, 25.7, 30.9],

test_info_diff = pd.DataFrame(
        "name": ["alice", "Bob", "Charlie "],
        "test_date": ["2023-06-05", "2023-08-10", "2023-05-02"],
        "result": ["Negative", "Positive", "Negative"],

asia_countries = pd.DataFrame(
        "Country": ["India", "Indonesia", "Philippines"],
        "Capital": ["New Delhi", "Jakarta", "Manila"],

asia_population = pd.DataFrame(
        "Country": ["India", "indonesia", "Philipines"],
        "Population": [1393000000, 273500000, 113000000],
        "Life_Expectancy": [69.7, 71.7, 72.7],

22.3 Introduction

Now that we have a solid grasp on the different types of joins and how they work, we can look at how to manage more complex joins and messier data.

22.4 Learning Objectives

  • You understand the concept of a one-to-many join

  • You know how to join on multiple key columns

  • You know how to check for mismatched values between dataframes

22.5 One-to-many joins

So far, we have primarily looked at one-to-one joins, where an observation in one dataframe corresponded to only one observation in the other dataframe. In a one-to-many join, an observation in one dataframe corresponds to multiple observations in the other dataframe.

To illustrate a one-to-many join, let’s return to our patients and their COVID test data. Let’s imagine that in our dataset, Alice and Xavier got tested multiple times for COVID. We can add two more rows to our test_info dataframe with their new test information:

name age
0 Alice 25
1 Bob 32
2 Charlie 45
name test_date result
0 Alice 2023-06-05 Negative
1 Alice 2023-06-10 Positive
2 Bob 2023-08-10 Positive
3 Bob 2023-05-02 Negative
4 Charlie 2023-05-12 Negative
5 Charlie 2023-05-15 Negative

Next, let’s take a look at what happens when we use a merge() with people as the left dataframe:

pd.merge(people, test_info_many, on="name", how="left")
name age test_date result
0 Alice 25 2023-06-05 Negative
1 Alice 25 2023-06-10 Positive
2 Bob 32 2023-08-10 Positive
3 Bob 32 2023-05-02 Negative
4 Charlie 45 2023-05-12 Negative
5 Charlie 45 2023-05-15 Negative

What’s happened above? Basically, when you perform a one-to-many join, the data from the “one” side are duplicated for each matching row of the “many” side.


22.6 Practice Q: Merging One-to-Many Crop Yields

Run the code below to print the two small dataframes:

farm_id farm_name location
0 1 Green Acres County A
1 2 Harvest Hill County B
2 3 Golden Fields County A
farm_id crop yield_tons
0 1 Wheat 50
1 1 Corn 60
2 2 Soybeans 45
3 3 Wheat 55
4 3 Barley 30

If you use a merge() to join these datasets, how many rows will be in the final dataframe? Try to figure it out and then perform the join to see if you were right.

22.7 Multiple Key Columns

Sometimes we have more than one column that uniquely identifies the observations that we want to match on. For example, let’s imagine we have traffic flow data for three streets at two different times of day: 9am and 2pm.

street_name time_of_day vehicle_count
0 Main St 9am 1200
1 Main St 2pm 900
2 Broadway 9am 1500
3 Broadway 2pm 1100
4 Elm St 9am 700
5 Elm St 2pm 600

Now, let’s imagine we have another dataset for the same three streets, recording air pollution levels (measured in particulate matter, PM2.5) during the same times of day.

street_name time_of_day pm_2_5_level
0 Main St 9am 35.5
1 Main St 2pm 42.1
2 Broadway 9am 40.3
3 Broadway 2pm 48.2
4 Elm St 9am 25.7
5 Elm St 2pm 30.9

We want to join the two datasets so that each street has two rows: one for the 9am time point and one for the 2pm time point. To do this, our first instinct may be to join the datasets only on street_name. Let’s try it out and see what happens:

pd.merge(traffic_flow, pollution_levels, on="street_name", how="left")
street_name time_of_day_x vehicle_count time_of_day_y pm_2_5_level
0 Main St 9am 1200 9am 35.5
1 Main St 9am 1200 2pm 42.1
2 Main St 2pm 900 9am 35.5
3 Main St 2pm 900 2pm 42.1
4 Broadway 9am 1500 9am 40.3
5 Broadway 9am 1500 2pm 48.2
6 Broadway 2pm 1100 9am 40.3
7 Broadway 2pm 1100 2pm 48.2
8 Elm St 9am 700 9am 25.7
9 Elm St 9am 700 2pm 30.9
10 Elm St 2pm 600 9am 25.7
11 Elm St 2pm 600 2pm 30.9

As we can see, this isn’t what we wanted at all! We end up with duplicated rows—now we have four rows for each street.

What we want to do is match on BOTH street_name AND time_of_day. To do this, we need to tell Python to match on two columns by specifying both column names in a list.

pd.merge(traffic_flow, pollution_levels, on=["street_name", "time_of_day"])
street_name time_of_day vehicle_count pm_2_5_level
0 Main St 9am 1200 35.5
1 Main St 2pm 900 42.1
2 Broadway 9am 1500 40.3
3 Broadway 2pm 1100 48.2
4 Elm St 9am 700 25.7
5 Elm St 2pm 600 30.9

Now we have the correct number of rows! We can directly see the vehicle count and PM2.5 level for each street at each time of day.


22.8 Practice Q: Calculate Oil Consumption per Capita

We have two datasets containing information about countries:

  • oil_consumption: Contains yearly oil consumption in tonnes
  • tidyr_population: Contains yearly population data
# View the datasets
oil_consumption.sort_values(by=["country", "year"])
country year oil_consump
19 Algeria 1995 8430000
98 Algeria 1996 8060000
177 Algeria 1997 7990000
256 Algeria 1998 8220000
335 Algeria 1999 8110000
... ... ... ...
1183 Vietnam 2009 14200000
1262 Vietnam 2010 15300000
1341 Vietnam 2011 16700000
1420 Vietnam 2012 17000000
1499 Vietnam 2013 18200000

1501 rows × 3 columns

tidyr_population.sort_values(by=["country", "year"])
country year population
0 Afghanistan 1995 17586073
1 Afghanistan 1996 18415307
2 Afghanistan 1997 19021226
3 Afghanistan 1998 19496836
4 Afghanistan 1999 19987071
... ... ... ...
4040 Zimbabwe 2009 12888918
4041 Zimbabwe 2010 13076978
4042 Zimbabwe 2011 13358738
4043 Zimbabwe 2012 13724317
4044 Zimbabwe 2013 14149648

4045 rows × 3 columns

  1. Join these datasets using merge() with a left join. Since we want to match both country AND year, you’ll need to join on multiple columns. (You may notice that not all rows are matched. You can ignore this for now.)

  2. After joining, create a new column called consumption_per_capita that calculates the yearly oil consumption per person (in tonnes).

  3. Which country had the highest per capita oil consumption in 1995?

22.9 Key Mismatches

Often you will need to pre-clean your data when you draw it from different sources before you’re able to join it. This is because there can be inconsistencies in ways that values are recorded.

To illustrate this, let’s return to our mock patient data from the first lesson. If you recall, we had two dataframes, one called people and the other called test_info. We can recreate these datasets but change Alice to alice in the test_info_diff dataset and keep all other values the same.

name age
0 Alice 25
1 Bob 32
2 Charlie 45
name test_date result
0 alice 2023-06-05 Negative
1 Bob 2023-08-10 Positive
2 Charlie 2023-05-02 Negative

Now let’s try a merge() on our two datasets.

people.merge(test_info_diff, on='name', how='left')
name age test_date result
0 Alice 25 NaN NaN
1 Bob 32 2023-08-10 Positive
2 Charlie 45 NaN NaN
pd.merge(people, test_info_diff, on="name", how="inner")
name age test_date result
0 Bob 32 2023-08-10 Positive

As we can see, Python didn’t recognize Alice and alice as the same person, and it also could not match Charlie and Charlie! So we lose Alice and Charlie in the left join, and they are dropped in the inner join.

How can we fix this? We need to ensure that the names in both datasets are in the same format. For this, we can use str.title() to capitalize the first letter of each name.

test_info_diff['name'] = test_info_diff['name'].str.title()
name test_date result
0 Alice 2023-06-05 Negative
1 Bob 2023-08-10 Positive
2 Charlie 2023-05-02 Negative
people.merge(test_info_diff, on='name', how='inner')
name age test_date result
0 Alice 25 2023-06-05 Negative
1 Bob 32 2023-08-10 Positive

Hmm, Charlie is still not matched. It’s hard to see from the printout, but the string Charlie in test_info_diff has an extra space at the end.

We can spot this better by using .unique() to convert to an array:

array(['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie '], dtype=object)

We can fix this by using str.strip() to remove the extra space.

test_info_diff['name'] = test_info_diff['name'].str.strip()
name test_date result
0 Alice 2023-06-05 Negative
1 Bob 2023-08-10 Positive
2 Charlie 2023-05-02 Negative

Now we can join the two datasets:

people.merge(test_info_diff, on='name', how='inner')
name age test_date result
0 Alice 25 2023-06-05 Negative
1 Bob 32 2023-08-10 Positive
2 Charlie 45 2023-05-02 Negative



22.10 Practice Q: Inner Join Countries

The following two datasets contain data for India, Indonesia, and the Philippines. However, an inner join of these datasets only returns 1 row.

Country Capital
0 India New Delhi
1 Indonesia Jakarta
2 Philippines Manila
Country Population Life_Expectancy
0 India 1393000000 69.7
1 indonesia 273500000 71.7
2 Philipines 113000000 72.7
pd.merge(asia_countries, asia_population)
Country Capital Population Life_Expectancy
0 India New Delhi 1393000000 69.7

What are the differences between the values in the key columns that would have to be changed before joining the datasets? Pay attention to capitalization and spelling.

Now, fix the mismatched values in the Country column and try the join again.

22.11 Key Mismatches: Oil Consumption Example

Let’s now see a more realistic example of how mismatched keys can cause problems.

country year oil_consump
0 United Arab Emirates 1995 20800000
1 Argentina 1995 20300000
2 Australia 1995 36500000
3 Austria 1995 11300000
4 Azerbaijan 1995 6580000
... ... ... ...
1496 USA 2013 791000000
1497 Uzbekistan 2013 2860000
1498 Venezuela 2013 36800000
1499 Vietnam 2013 18200000
1500 South Africa 2013 26700000

1501 rows × 3 columns

country year population
0 Afghanistan 1995 17586073
1 Afghanistan 1996 18415307
2 Afghanistan 1997 19021226
3 Afghanistan 1998 19496836
4 Afghanistan 1999 19987071
... ... ... ...
4040 Zimbabwe 2009 12888918
4041 Zimbabwe 2010 13076978
4042 Zimbabwe 2011 13358738
4043 Zimbabwe 2012 13724317
4044 Zimbabwe 2013 14149648

4045 rows × 3 columns

After we attempt a join, we see that there are some countries that are not matched, such as Vietnam.

    oil_consumption, tidyr_population, on=["country", "year"], how="left"
).sort_values(["country", "year"])
country year oil_consump population
19 Algeria 1995 8430000 29315463.0
98 Algeria 1996 8060000 29845208.0
177 Algeria 1997 7990000 30345466.0
256 Algeria 1998 8220000 30820435.0
335 Algeria 1999 8110000 31276295.0
... ... ... ... ...
1183 Vietnam 2009 14200000 NaN
1262 Vietnam 2010 15300000 NaN
1341 Vietnam 2011 16700000 NaN
1420 Vietnam 2012 17000000 NaN
1499 Vietnam 2013 18200000 NaN

1501 rows × 4 columns

This is because the country names are not in the same format in the two datasets.

Before attempting to join these datasets, it’s a good idea to check for mismatches in the key columns. This can help you identify any discrepancies that might prevent a successful join.

First, let’s identify the unique country names in both datasets.

oil_countries = set(oil_consumption['country'].unique())
pop_countries = set(tidyr_population['country'].unique())

Now, to find countries in oil_consumption that are not in tidyr_population, we can use set arithmetic:

missing_in_pop = oil_countries - pop_countries
{'Hong Kong, China',
 'North Macedonia',
 'Slovak Republic',
 'South Korea',

And countries in tidyr_population that are not in oil_consumption:

missing_in_oil = pop_countries - oil_countries
 'American Samoa',
 'Antigua and Barbuda',
 'Bolivia (Plurinational State of)',
 'Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba',
 'Bosnia and Herzegovina',
 'British Virgin Islands',
 'Brunei Darussalam',
 'Burkina Faso',
 'Cabo Verde',
 'Cayman Islands',
 'Central African Republic',
 'China, Hong Kong SAR',
 'China, Macao SAR',
 'Cook Islands',
 'Costa Rica',
 "Côte d'Ivoire",
 "Democratic People's Republic of Korea",
 'Democratic Republic of the Congo',
 'Dominican Republic',
 'El Salvador',
 'Equatorial Guinea',
 'French Polynesia',
 'Iran (Islamic Republic of)',
 "Lao People's Democratic Republic",
 'Marshall Islands',
 'Micronesia (Federated States of)',
 'New Caledonia',
 'Northern Mariana Islands',
 'Papua New Guinea',
 'Puerto Rico',
 'Republic of Korea',
 'Republic of Moldova',
 'Russian Federation',
 'Saint Kitts and Nevis',
 'Saint Lucia',
 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines',
 'San Marino',
 'Sao Tome and Principe',
 'Sierra Leone',
 'Sint Maarten (Dutch part)',
 'Solomon Islands',
 'South Sudan',
 'Syrian Arab Republic',
 'The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia',
 'Turks and Caicos Islands',
 'US Virgin Islands',
 'United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland',
 'United Republic of Tanzania',
 'United States of America',
 'Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)',
 'Viet Nam',
 'Wallis and Futuna Islands',
 'West Bank and Gaza Strip',

These differences indicate mismatches in the key columns that need to be addressed before joining.

You might try to check manually. For example, we can see that Vietname is written as Vietnam in one dataset and Viet Nam in the other.

However, in the case of countries, there is an even nicer solution: use country codes! We’ll see how to do this in the next section.

Side Note

22.12 Set Arithmetic

A quick side note on set arithmetic for those who are unfamiliar.

Consider two sets of the numbers 1:5, and 2:4.

set_1 = set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
set_2 = set([2, 3, 4])

We can check the values in set_1 that are not in set_2 by using set arithmetic:

set_1 - set_2
{1, 5}

And the values in set_2 that are not in set_1 by using:

set_2 - set_1

22.12.1 Merging with Country Codes

To avoid country mismatches, it is often useful to use country codes rather than country names as the key.

Let’s now add country codes to both datasets and try the join again.

# How to use country_converter
cc.convert("Nigeria", to='ISO3')
oil_consumption['country_code'] = cc.convert(oil_consumption['country'], to='ISO3')
tidyr_population['country_code'] = cc.convert(tidyr_population['country'], to='ISO3')
oil_pop_code = oil_consumption.merge(tidyr_population, on=['country_code', 'year'], how='left')

22.12.2 Identifying Remaining Mismatches

Let’s see which countries still failed to find a match:

set(oil_pop_code['country_code'].unique()) - set(tidyr_population['country_code'].unique())

It seems ‘TWN’ (Taiwan) failed to find a match. We can manually look through the tidyr_population dataset to see if we can find it.

country year population country_code

Just in case there is a mismatch in capitalization, we can also check for ‘taiwan’:

country year population country_code

And we can check for ‘China’ since there is currently conflict over whether Taiwan is part of China.

country year population country_code
783 China 1995 1237531429 CHN
784 China 1996 1247897092 CHN
785 China 1997 1257021784 CHN
786 China 1998 1265222536 CHN
787 China 1999 1272915272 CHN
788 China 2000 1280428583 CHN
789 China 2001 1287890449 CHN
790 China 2002 1295322020 CHN
791 China 2003 1302810258 CHN
792 China 2004 1310414386 CHN
793 China 2005 1318176835 CHN
794 China 2006 1326146433 CHN
795 China 2007 1334343509 CHN
796 China 2008 1342732604 CHN
797 China 2009 1351247555 CHN
798 China 2010 1359821465 CHN
799 China 2011 1368440300 CHN
800 China 2012 1377064907 CHN
801 China 2013 1385566537 CHN
802 China, Hong Kong SAR 1995 6144498 HKG
803 China, Hong Kong SAR 1996 6275363 HKG
804 China, Hong Kong SAR 1997 6430651 HKG
805 China, Hong Kong SAR 1998 6591717 HKG
806 China, Hong Kong SAR 1999 6732627 HKG
807 China, Hong Kong SAR 2000 6835301 HKG
808 China, Hong Kong SAR 2001 6892752 HKG
809 China, Hong Kong SAR 2002 6912079 HKG
810 China, Hong Kong SAR 2003 6906631 HKG
811 China, Hong Kong SAR 2004 6896523 HKG
812 China, Hong Kong SAR 2005 6896686 HKG
813 China, Hong Kong SAR 2006 6910671 HKG
814 China, Hong Kong SAR 2007 6934748 HKG
815 China, Hong Kong SAR 2008 6967866 HKG
816 China, Hong Kong SAR 2009 7006930 HKG
817 China, Hong Kong SAR 2010 7049514 HKG
818 China, Hong Kong SAR 2011 7096359 HKG
819 China, Hong Kong SAR 2012 7148493 HKG
820 China, Hong Kong SAR 2013 7203836 HKG
821 China, Macao SAR 1995 398459 MAC
822 China, Macao SAR 1996 405231 MAC
823 China, Macao SAR 1997 412031 MAC
824 China, Macao SAR 1998 418810 MAC
825 China, Macao SAR 1999 425448 MAC
826 China, Macao SAR 2000 431907 MAC
827 China, Macao SAR 2001 438080 MAC
828 China, Macao SAR 2002 444150 MAC
829 China, Macao SAR 2003 450711 MAC
830 China, Macao SAR 2004 458542 MAC
831 China, Macao SAR 2005 468149 MAC
832 China, Macao SAR 2006 479808 MAC
833 China, Macao SAR 2007 493206 MAC
834 China, Macao SAR 2008 507528 MAC
835 China, Macao SAR 2009 521617 MAC
836 China, Macao SAR 2010 534626 MAC
837 China, Macao SAR 2011 546278 MAC
838 China, Macao SAR 2012 556783 MAC
839 China, Macao SAR 2013 566375 MAC

It seems that Taiwan is not in the tidyr_population dataset.

In such a case, you might then try to find a dataset containing population data for Taiwan and add it to the tidyr_population dataset. But we’ll leave this for you to figure out.


22.13 Practice Q: Merging Oil Consumption with Geographic Data

Run the code to view the two datasets.

The first, oil_2012, records the oil consumption for the year 2012:

country oil_consump
1343 United Arab Emirates 35200000
1344 Argentina 28600000
1345 Australia 46100000
1346 Austria 11900000
1347 Azerbaijan 4170000
... ... ...
1417 USA 778000000
1418 Uzbekistan 3030000
1419 Venezuela 37200000
1420 Vietnam 17000000
1421 South Africa 26300000

79 rows × 2 columns

And country_regions lists countries along with their respective regions and continents:

country_name country_code continent
0 Afghanistan AFG Asia
1 Albania ALB Europe
2 Algeria DZA Africa
3 American Samoa ASM Oceania
4 Andorra AND Europe
... ... ... ...
237 Western Sahara ESH Africa
238 Yemen YEM Asia
239 Zambia ZMB Africa
240 Zimbabwe ZWE Africa
241 Åland Islands ALA Europe

242 rows × 3 columns

Join the two datasets using the country codes as the key. Then find the countries with the highest oil consumption in each continent. As a sanity check, your answer should include the US & China.

oil_2012['country_code'] = cc.convert(oil_2012['country'], to='ISO3')

oil_2012_regions = oil_2012.merge(country_regions, on='country_code', how='left')

max_oil_by_continent = oil_2012_regions.loc[

max_oil_by_continent[['country', 'continent', 'oil_consump']]
country continent oil_consump
21 Egypt Africa 35300000
74 USA Americas 778000000
13 China Asia 484000000
62 Russia Europe 145000000
2 Australia Oceania 46100000

23 Wrap Up!

In this lesson, we explored several advanced concepts related to joining dataframes in Python:

  1. One-to-Many Relationships: We learned how joins work when one observation in a dataframe corresponds to multiple observations in another dataframe, and how the data from the “one” side gets duplicated for each matching row on the “many” side.

  2. Multi-Key Joins: We discovered how to join dataframes using multiple columns as keys (like combining street names with time of day), which is essential for maintaining data integrity when a single column isn’t enough to uniquely identify observations.

  3. Key Mismatches: We explored common challenges in joining data from different sources, including:

    • Case sensitivity issues (e.g., “Alice” vs “alice”)
    • Trailing spaces
    • Spelling variations
    • Using standardized codes (like country codes) to ensure consistent matching

These skills are crucial for real-world data analysis, where data often comes from multiple sources and requires careful cleaning and preparation before it can be effectively combined.