4  Functions, Methods, and Libraries in Python

4.1 Learning objectives

  1. You understand what functions and methods are in Python.
  2. You can identify and use arguments (parameters) in functions and methods.
  3. You know how to call built-in functions and methods on objects.
  4. You understand what libraries are in Python and how to import them.
  5. You know how to install a simple external library and use it in your code.

4.2 Introduction

In this lesson, you will learn about functions, methods, and libraries in Python, building on the basics we covered in the previous lesson.

To get started, open your preferred Python environment (e.g., Jupyter Notebook, VS Code, or PyCharm), and create a new Python file or notebook.

Next, save the file with a name like “functions_and_libraries.py” or “functions_and_libraries.ipynb” depending on your environment.

You should now type all the code from this lesson into that file.

4.3 Functions

A function is a block of code that performs a specific task. It can take inputs (arguments) and return outputs. Here’s an example of a built-in function with just one argument:

# Using the len() function to get the length of a string

The round() function takes two arguments: the number to round and the number of decimal places to round to.

# Using the round() function to round a number
round(3.1415, 2)

4.3.1 Q: Using built-in functions

Use the abs() function to get the absolute value of -5.

Write your code below and run it to check your answer:

# Your code here

4.4 Arguments (Parameters)

Arguments (also called parameters) are the values that you pass to a function (or method) when you call it.

There are different ways to pass arguments to a function.

Consider again the round() function.

If we look at the documentation for the round() function, with :


We see that it takes two arguments:

  • number: The number to round.
  • ndigits: The number of decimal places to round to.

There are two main ways to pass arguments to this function.

  1. Positional arguments: Passed in the order they are defined. Since the default order of the arguments is number then ndigits, we can pass the arguments in that order without specifying the argument names, as we did above.
round(3.1415, 2)

If we swap the order of the arguments, we get an error:

round(2, 3.1415)
  1. Keyword arguments: Passed by specifying the argument name followed by a = and the argument value.
round(number=3.1415, ndigits=2)

With this method, we can pass the arguments in any order, as long as we use the argument names.

round(ndigits=2, number=3.1415)

Specifying the keyword is usually recommended, except for simple functions with very few arguments, or when the order of the arguments is obvious from context.


4.4.1 Q: Using Positional Arguments with pow()

Use the pow() function to calculate 2 raised to the power of 7 by passing positional arguments. You may need to consult the documentation for the pow() function to see how it works.

Write your code below and run it to check your answer:

# Your code here

4.4.2 Q: Using Keyword Arguments with round()

Use the round() function to round the number 9.87652 to 3 decimal places by specifying keyword arguments.

Write your code below and run it to check your answer:

# Your code here

4.5 Methods

Methods are similar to functions, but they are associated with specific objects or data types. They are called using dot notation.

For example, every string object comes with a range of built-in methods, like upper() to convert to uppercase, lower() to convert to lowercase, replace() to replace substrings, and many more.

Let’s see how to use these:

name = "python"
print(name.replace("p", "🐍"))

We can also call the methods directly on the string object, without assigning it to a variable:

# Using the upper() method on a string
print("python".replace("p", "🐍"))

Similarly, numbers in Python come with some built-in methods. For example, the as_integer_ratio() (added in Python 3.8) method converts a decimalnumber to a ratio of two integers.

# Using the as_integer_ratio() method on a float
example_decimal = 1.5
(3, 2)

4.5.1 Q: Definitions

Come up with simple definitions for the following terms that are clear to YOU (even if not technically exactly accurate):

  • Function
  • Method
  • Argument (Parameter)
  • Dot Notation

4.5.2 Q: Using methods

  1. Call the replace() method on the string “Helo” to replace the single l with double l.
  2. Call the split() method on the string “Hello World” to split the string into a list of words.
# Your code here

4.6 Libraries in Python

Libraries are collections of pre-written code that you can use in your programs. They extend the functionality of Python by providing additional functions and tools.

For example, the math library provides mathematical functions like sqrt() for square roots and sin() for sine.

If we try to use the sqrt() function without importing the math library, we get an error:

# This will cause a NameError

We can import the math library and use the sqrt() function like this:

# Import the library
import math

Then we can use the sqrt() function like this:

# Use the sqrt() function

We can get help on a function in a similar way, calling both the function and the library it’s in:

# Get help on the sqrt() function

We can also import libraries with aliases. For example, we can import the math library with the alias m:

# Import the entire library with an alias
import math as m
# Then we can use the alias to call the function

Finally, if you want to skip the alias/library name, you can either import the functions individually:

# Import specific functions from a library
from math import sqrt, sin
# Then we can use the function directly

Or import everything from the library:

# Import everything from the library
from math import *
# Then we can all functions directly, such as sqrt() and sin()

Phew that’s a lot of ways to import libraries! You’ll mostly see the import ... as ... syntax, and sometimes the from ... import ... syntax.

Note that we typically import all required libraries at the top of the file, in a single code chunk. This is a good practice to follow.


4.6.1 Q: Definitions

Come up with simple definitions for the following terms that are clear to YOU (even if not technically exactly accurate):

  • Library (Module)
  • Import
  • Alias

4.6.2 Q: Using functions from imported libraries

  • Import the random library and use the randint() function to generate a random integer between 1 and 10. You can use the ? operator to get help on the function after importing it.
# Your code here

4.7 Installing Libraries

While Python comes with many built-in libraries, there are thousands of additional libraries available that you can install to extend Python’s functionality even further. Let’s look at how to install and use a simple external library, with the cowsay library as an example.

If we try to import this library without first installing it, we get an error:

import cowsay

To install the library, you can use the !pip install command in a code cell in Google Colab. For cowsay, you would run:

!pip install cowsay

Pip installs packages from a remote repository called PyPI. Anyone can create and upload a package to PyPI. After a few checks, it’s then available for anyone to install.


For those working on local Python instances, you can install cowsay using pip in your terminal:

pip install cowsay

Once installed, we can now import and use the cowsay library:

import cowsay

# Make the cow say something
| Moo! |
       (__)\       )\/\
           ||----w |
           ||     ||

This should display an ASCII art cow saying “Moo!”.


4.7.1 Q: Using the emoji library

  1. Install the emoji library.
  2. Import the emoji library.
  3. Consult the help for the emojize() function in the emoji library.
  4. Use the emojize() function to display an emoji for “thumbs up”.
# Your code here

4.8 Wrap-up

In this lesson, we’ve covered:

  1. Functions and methods in Python
  2. Arguments (parameters) and how to use them
  3. Importing and using libraries
  4. Installing and using an external library

These concepts are fundamental to Python programming and will be used extensively as you continue to develop your skills. Practice using different functions, methods, and libraries to become more comfortable with these concepts.