21  Introduction to Joining Datasets

21.1 Data & Packages

Please run the code below to load the packages and datasets we’ll be using throughout this lesson.

import pandas as pd

# TB incidence in Africa
tb_2019_africa = pd.read_csv(

# Health expenditure data
health_exp_2019 = pd.read_csv(

# Highest expenditure countries
highest_exp = health_exp_2019.sort_values("expend_usd", ascending=False).head(70)

# TB cases in children
tb_cases_children = pd.read_csv(

# Country continents data
country_continents = pd.read_csv(

# people data
people = pd.DataFrame({"name": ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"], "age": [25, 32, 45]})

# Test information
test_info = pd.DataFrame(
        "name": ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"],
        "test_date": ["2023-06-05", "2023-08-10", "2023-07-15"],
        "result": ["Negative", "Positive", "Negative"],

# Disordered test information
test_info_disordered = pd.DataFrame(
        "name": ["Bob", "Alice", "Charlie"],  # Bob in first row
        "test_date": ["2023-08-10", "2023-06-05", "2023-07-15"],
        "result": ["Positive", "Negative", "Negative"],

# Multiple test information
test_info_multiple = pd.DataFrame(
        "name": ["Alice", "Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"],
        "test_date": ["2023-06-05", "2023-06-06", "2023-08-10", "2023-07-15"],
        "result": ["Negative", "Negative", "Positive", "Negative"],

# Test information with different name
test_info_different_name = pd.DataFrame(
        "first_name": ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"],
        "test_date": ["2023-06-05", "2023-08-10", "2023-07-15"],
        "result": ["Negative", "Positive", "Negative"],

# Test information including Xavier
test_info_xavier = pd.DataFrame(
        "name": ["Alice", "Bob", "Xavier"],
        "test_date": ["2023-06-05", "2023-08-10", "2023-05-02"],
        "result": ["Negative", "Positive", "Negative"],

# Students data
students = pd.DataFrame(
    {"student_id": [1, 2, 3], "name": ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"], "age": [20, 22, 21]}

# Exam dates data
exam_dates = pd.DataFrame(
    {"student_id": [1, 3], "exam_date": ["2023-05-20", "2023-05-22"]}

# Employee details
employee_details = pd.DataFrame(
        "id_number": ["E001", "E002", "E003"],
        "full_name": ["Emily", "Frank", "Grace"],
        "department": ["HR", "IT", "Marketing"],

# Performance reviews
performance_reviews = pd.DataFrame(
        "employee_code": ["E001", "E002", "E003"],
        "review_type": ["Annual", "Mid-year", "Annual"],
        "review_date": ["2022-05-10", "2023-09-01", "2021-12-15"],

# Sales data
sales_data = pd.DataFrame(
        "salesperson_id": [1, 4, 8],
        "product": ["Laptop", "Smartphone", "Tablet"],
        "date_of_sale": ["2023-01-15", "2023-03-05", "2023-02-20"],

# Salesperson peoples
salesperson_peoples = pd.DataFrame(
        "salesperson_id": [1, 2, 3, 5, 8],
        "name": ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "Diana", "Eve"],
        "age": [28, 45, 32, 55, 40],
        "gender": ["Female", "Male", "Male", "Female", "Female"],

# Total sales data
total_sales = pd.DataFrame(
        "product": [
        "total_units_sold": [9751, 136, 8285, 2478, 3642, 5231, 1892, 4267, 3891, 982],

# Product feedback data
product_feedback = pd.DataFrame(
        "product": [
            "Gaming Console",
        "n_positive_reviews": [1938, 128, 842, 1567, 723, 956, 445, 582, 234, 678],
        "n_negative_reviews": [42, 30, 56, 89, 34, 28, 15, 11, 8, 25],

# Sales incidence data
sales = pd.DataFrame(
        "year": [2010, 2011, 2014, 2016, 2017],
        "sales_count": [69890, 66507, 59831, 58704, 59151],

# Customer complaints data
customer_complaints = pd.DataFrame(
        "year": [2011, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2019],
        "complaints_count": [1292, 1100, 1011, 940, 895],

employees = pd.DataFrame(
    {"employee_id": [1, 2, 3], "name": ["John", "Joy", "Khan"], "age": [32, 28, 40]}

training_sessions = pd.DataFrame(
        "employee_id": [1, 2, 3],
        "training_date": ["2023-01-20", "2023-02-20", "2023-05-15"],

customer_details = pd.DataFrame(
        "id_number": ["A001", "B002", "C003"],
        "full_name": ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"],
        "address": ["123 Elm St", "456 Maple Dr", "789 Oak Blvd"],

# Order Records
order_records = pd.DataFrame(
        "customer_code": ["A001", "B002", "C003"],
        "product_type": ["Electronics", "Books", "Clothing"],
        "order_date": ["2022-05-10", "2023-09-01", "2021-12-15"],

21.2 Intro

Joining is a key skill when working with data as it allows you to combine information about the same entities from multiple sources, leading to more comprehensive and insightful analyses. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use different joining techniques using Python’s pandas library. Let’s get started!

21.3 Learning Objectives

  • You understand how each of the different joins work: left, right, inner, and outer.

  • You can join simple datasets together using the pd.merge() function.

21.4 Why Do We Need Joins?

To illustrate the utility of joins, let’s start with a toy example. Consider the following two datasets. The first, people, contains names and ages of three individuals:

name age
0 Alice 25
1 Bob 32
2 Charlie 45

The second, test_info, contains test dates and results for those individuals:

name test_date result
0 Alice 2023-06-05 Negative
1 Bob 2023-08-10 Positive
2 Charlie 2023-07-15 Negative

We’d like to analyze these data together, and so we need a way to combine them.

One option we might consider is concatenating the dataframes horizontally using pd.concat():

pd.concat([people, test_info], axis=1)
name age name test_date result
0 Alice 25 Alice 2023-06-05 Negative
1 Bob 32 Bob 2023-08-10 Positive
2 Charlie 45 Charlie 2023-07-15 Negative

This successfully merges the datasets, but it doesn’t do so very intelligently. The function essentially “pastes” or “staples” the two tables together. So, as you can notice, the “name” column appears twice. This is not ideal and will be problematic for analysis.

Another problem occurs if the rows in the two datasets are not already aligned. In this case, the data will be combined incorrectly with pd.concat(). Consider the test_info_disordered dataset, which now has Bob in the first row:

name test_date result
0 Bob 2023-08-10 Positive
1 Alice 2023-06-05 Negative
2 Charlie 2023-07-15 Negative

What happens if we concatenate this with the original people dataset, where Bob was in the second row?

pd.concat([people, test_info_disordered], axis=1)
name age name test_date result
0 Alice 25 Bob 2023-08-10 Positive
1 Bob 32 Alice 2023-06-05 Negative
2 Charlie 45 Charlie 2023-07-15 Negative

Alice’s people details are now mistakenly aligned with Bob’s test info!

A third issue arises when an entity appears more than once in one dataset. Perhaps Alice had multiple tests:

name test_date result
0 Alice 2023-06-05 Negative
1 Alice 2023-06-06 Negative
2 Bob 2023-08-10 Positive
3 Charlie 2023-07-15 Negative

If we try to concatenate this with the people dataset, we’ll get mismatched data due to differing row counts:

pd.concat([people, test_info_multiple], axis=1)
name age name test_date result
0 Alice 25.0 Alice 2023-06-05 Negative
1 Bob 32.0 Alice 2023-06-06 Negative
2 Charlie 45.0 Bob 2023-08-10 Positive
3 NaN NaN Charlie 2023-07-15 Negative

This results in NaN values and misaligned data.

Side Note

What we have here is called a one-to-many relationship—one Alice in the people data, but multiple Alice rows in the test data since she had multiple tests. Joining in such cases will be covered in detail in the second joining lesson.

Clearly, we need a smarter way to combine datasets than concatenation; we’ll need to venture into the world of joining. In pandas, the function that performs joins is pd.merge().

It works for the simple case, and it does not duplicate the name column:

pd.merge(people, test_info)
name age test_date result
0 Alice 25 2023-06-05 Negative
1 Bob 32 2023-08-10 Positive
2 Charlie 45 2023-07-15 Negative

It works where the datasets are not ordered identically:

pd.merge(people, test_info_disordered)
name age test_date result
0 Alice 25 2023-06-05 Negative
1 Bob 32 2023-08-10 Positive
2 Charlie 45 2023-07-15 Negative

As you can see, Alice’s details are now correctly aligned with her test results.

And it works when there are multiple test rows per individual:

pd.merge(people, test_info_multiple)
name age test_date result
0 Alice 25 2023-06-05 Negative
1 Alice 25 2023-06-06 Negative
2 Bob 32 2023-08-10 Positive
3 Charlie 45 2023-07-15 Negative

In this case, the pd.merge() function correctly repeats Alice’s details for each of her tests.

Simple and beautiful!

21.5 pd.merge() syntax

Now that we understand why we need joins, let’s look at their basic syntax.

Joins take two dataframes as the first two arguments: left (the left dataframe) and right (the right dataframe). In pandas, you can provide these as positional or keyword arguments:

# left and right
pd.merge(left=people, right=test_info)  # keyword arguments
pd.merge(people, test_info)  # positional arguments
name age test_date result
0 Alice 25 2023-06-05 Negative
1 Bob 32 2023-08-10 Positive
2 Charlie 45 2023-07-15 Negative

Another critical argument is on, which indicates the column or key used to connect the tables. We don’t always need to supply this argument; it can be inferred from the datasets. For example, in our original examples, “name” is the only column common to people and test_info. So the merge function assumes on='name':

# on argument is optional if the column key is the same in both dataframes
pd.merge(people, test_info)
pd.merge(people, test_info, on="name")
name age test_date result
0 Alice 25 2023-06-05 Negative
1 Bob 32 2023-08-10 Positive
2 Charlie 45 2023-07-15 Negative

The column used to connect rows across the tables is known as a key. In the pandas merge() function, the key is specified in the on argument, as seen in pd.merge(people, test_info, on='name').

What happens if the keys are named differently in the two datasets? Consider the test_info_different_name dataset, where the “name” column has been changed to “first_name”:

first_name test_date result
0 Alice 2023-06-05 Negative
1 Bob 2023-08-10 Positive
2 Charlie 2023-07-15 Negative

If we try to join test_info_different_name with our original people dataset, we will encounter an error:

pd.merge(people, test_info_different_name)
MergeError: No common columns to perform merge on. Merge options: left_on=None, right_on=None, left_index=False, right_index=False

The error indicates that there are no common variables, so the join is not possible.

In situations like this, you have two choices: you can rename the column in the second dataframe to match the first, or more simply, specify which columns to join on using left_on and right_on.

Here’s how to do this:

pd.merge(people, test_info_different_name, left_on='name', right_on='first_name')
name age first_name test_date result
0 Alice 25 Alice 2023-06-05 Negative
1 Bob 32 Bob 2023-08-10 Positive
2 Charlie 45 Charlie 2023-07-15 Negative

This syntax essentially says, “Connect name from the left dataframe with first_name from the right dataframe because they represent the same data.”


Key: The column or set of columns used to match rows between two dataframes in a join operation.

Left Join: A type of join that keeps all rows from the left dataframe and adds matching rows from the right dataframe. If there is no match, the result is NaN on the right side.


21.6 Practice Q: Join Employees and Training Sessions

Consider the two datasets below, one with employee details and the other with training session dates for these employees.

employee_id name age
0 1 John 32
1 2 Joy 28
2 3 Khan 40
employee_id training_date
0 1 2023-01-20
1 2 2023-02-20
2 3 2023-05-15

How many rows and columns would you expect to have after joining these two datasets?

Now join the two datasets and check your answer.

# Your code here

21.7 Practice Q: Join with on Argument

Two datasets are shown below, one with customer details and the other with order records for those customers.

id_number full_name address
0 A001 Alice 123 Elm St
1 B002 Bob 456 Maple Dr
2 C003 Charlie 789 Oak Blvd
customer_code product_type order_date
0 A001 Electronics 2022-05-10
1 B002 Books 2023-09-01
2 C003 Clothing 2021-12-15

Join the customer_details and order_records datasets. You will need to use the left_on and right_on arguments because the customer identifier columns have different names.

21.8 Types of joins

The toy examples so far have involved datasets that could be matched perfectly—every row in one dataset had a corresponding row in the other dataset.

Real-world data is usually messier. Often, there will be entries in the first table that do not have corresponding entries in the second table, and vice versa.

To handle these cases of imperfect matching, there are different join types with specific behaviors: left, right, inner, and outer. In the upcoming sections, we’ll look at examples of how each join type operates on datasets with imperfect matches.

21.9 left join

Let’s start with the left join. To see how it handles unmatched rows, we will try to join our original people dataset with a modified version of the test_info dataset.

As a reminder, here is the people dataset, with Alice, Bob, and Charlie:

name age
0 Alice 25
1 Bob 32
2 Charlie 45

For test information, we’ll remove Charlie and we’ll add a new individual, Xavier, and his test data:

name test_date result
0 Alice 2023-06-05 Negative
1 Bob 2023-08-10 Positive
2 Xavier 2023-05-02 Negative

We can specify the join type using the how argument:

pd.merge(people, test_info_xavier, how='left')
name age test_date result
0 Alice 25 2023-06-05 Negative
1 Bob 32 2023-08-10 Positive
2 Charlie 45 NaN NaN

As you can see, with the left join, all records from the left dataframe (people) are retained. So, even though Charlie doesn’t have a match in the test_info_xavier dataset, he’s still included in the output. (But of course, since his test information is not available in test_info_xavier, those values were left as NaN.)

Xavier, on the other hand, who was only present in the right dataset, gets dropped.

The graphic below shows how this join worked:

Left Join

Now what if we flip the dataframes? Let’s see the outcome when test_info_xavier is the left dataframe and people is the right one:

pd.merge(test_info_xavier, people, on='name', how='left')
name test_date result age
0 Alice 2023-06-05 Negative 25.0
1 Bob 2023-08-10 Positive 32.0
2 Xavier 2023-05-02 Negative NaN

Once again, the left join retains all rows from the left dataframe (now test_info_xavier). This means Xavier’s data is included this time. Charlie, on the other hand, is excluded.

Key Point

Primary Dataset: In the context of joins, the primary dataset refers to the main or prioritized dataset in an operation. In a left join, the left dataframe is considered the primary dataset because all of its rows are retained in the output, regardless of whether they have a matching row in the other dataframe.


21.10 Practice Q: Left Join Students and Exam Dates

Consider the two datasets below, one with student details and the other with exam dates for some of these students.

student_id name age
0 1 Alice 20
1 2 Bob 22
2 3 Charlie 21
student_id exam_date
0 1 2023-05-20
1 3 2023-05-22

Join the students dataset with the exam_dates dataset using a left join.

21.11 Analysing African TB Incidence and Health Expenditure

Let’s try another example, this time with a more realistic set of data.

First, we have data on the TB incidence rate per 100,000 people for some African countries, from the WHO:

country cases conf_int_95
0 Burundi 107 [69 – 153]
1 Sao Tome and Principe 114 [45 – 214]
2 Senegal 117 [83 – 156]
3 Mauritius 12 [9 – 15]
4 Côte d’Ivoire 137 [88 – 197]
5 Ethiopia 140 [98 – 188]
6 Chad 142 [92 – 202]
7 Ghana 144 [70 – 244]
8 Malawi 146 [78 – 235]
9 Seychelles 15 [13 – 18]
10 Gambia 158 [117 – 204]
11 Guinea 176 [114 – 251]
12 Cameroon 179 [116 – 255]
13 Zimbabwe 199 [147 – 258]
14 Uganda 200 [117 – 303]
15 Nigeria 219 [143 – 311]
16 South Sudan 227 [147 – 324]
17 Madagascar 233 [151 – 333]
18 United Republic of Tanzania 237 [112 – 408]
19 Botswana 253 [195 – 317]
20 Kenya 267 [163 – 396]
21 Equatorial Guinea 286 [185 – 408]
22 Sierra Leone 295 [190 – 422]
23 Liberia 308 [199 – 440]
24 Democratic Republic of the Congo 320 [207 – 457]
25 Zambia 333 [216 – 474]
26 Comoros 35 [23 – 50]
27 Angola 351 [227 – 501]
28 Mozambique 361 [223 – 532]
29 Guinea-Bissau 361 [234 – 516]
30 Eswatini 363 [228 – 527]
31 Togo 37 [30 – 45]
32 Congo 373 [237 – 541]
33 Cabo Verde 46 [35 – 58]
34 Burkina Faso 47 [30 – 67]
35 Namibia 486 [348 – 647]
36 Mali 52 [34 – 74]
37 Gabon 521 [337 – 744]
38 Central African Republic 540 [349 – 771]
39 Benin 55 [36 – 79]
40 Rwanda 57 [44 – 72]
41 Algeria 61 [46 – 77]
42 South Africa 615 [427 – 835]
43 Lesotho 654 [406 – 959]
44 Niger 84 [54 – 120]
45 Eritrea 86 [40 – 151]
46 Mauritania 89 [58 – 127]

We want to analyze how TB incidence in African countries varies with government health expenditure per capita. For this, we have data on health expenditure per capita in USD, also from the WHO, for countries from all continents:

country expend_usd
0 Nigeria 10.97
1 Bahamas 1002.00
2 United Arab Emirates 1015.00
3 Nauru 1038.00
4 Slovakia 1058.00
... ... ...
180 Myanmar 9.64
181 Malawi 9.78
182 Cuba 901.80
183 Tunisia 97.75
184 Nicaragua 99.73

185 rows × 2 columns

Which dataset should we use as the left dataframe for the join?

Since our goal is to analyze African countries, we should use tb_2019_africa as the left dataframe. This will ensure we keep all the African countries in the final joined dataset.

Let’s join them:

tb_health_exp_joined = pd.merge(tb_2019_africa, health_exp_2019, on='country', how='left')
country cases conf_int_95 expend_usd
0 Burundi 107 [69 – 153] 6.07
1 Sao Tome and Principe 114 [45 – 214] 47.64
2 Senegal 117 [83 – 156] 15.47
3 Mauritius 12 [9 – 15] NaN
4 Côte d’Ivoire 137 [88 – 197] 22.25
5 Ethiopia 140 [98 – 188] 5.93
6 Chad 142 [92 – 202] 4.76
7 Ghana 144 [70 – 244] 30.01
8 Malawi 146 [78 – 235] 9.78
9 Seychelles 15 [13 – 18] 572.00
10 Gambia 158 [117 – 204] 9.40
11 Guinea 176 [114 – 251] 9.61
12 Cameroon 179 [116 – 255] 6.26
13 Zimbabwe 199 [147 – 258] 7.82
14 Uganda 200 [117 – 303] 5.05
15 Nigeria 219 [143 – 311] 10.97
16 South Sudan 227 [147 – 324] NaN
17 Madagascar 233 [151 – 333] 6.26
18 United Republic of Tanzania 237 [112 – 408] 16.02
19 Botswana 253 [195 – 317] 292.10
20 Kenya 267 [163 – 396] 39.57
21 Equatorial Guinea 286 [185 – 408] 47.30
22 Sierra Leone 295 [190 – 422] 6.28
23 Liberia 308 [199 – 440] 8.38
24 Democratic Republic of the Congo 320 [207 – 457] 3.14
25 Zambia 333 [216 – 474] 27.09
26 Comoros 35 [23 – 50] NaN
27 Angola 351 [227 – 501] 28.59
28 Mozambique 361 [223 – 532] 9.35
29 Guinea-Bissau 361 [234 – 516] 3.90
30 Eswatini 363 [228 – 527] 131.50
31 Togo 37 [30 – 45] 7.56
32 Congo 373 [237 – 541] 25.82
33 Cabo Verde 46 [35 – 58] 111.50
34 Burkina Faso 47 [30 – 67] 17.17
35 Namibia 486 [348 – 647] 204.30
36 Mali 52 [34 – 74] 11.03
37 Gabon 521 [337 – 744] 125.60
38 Central African Republic 540 [349 – 771] 3.58
39 Benin 55 [36 – 79] 6.33
40 Rwanda 57 [44 – 72] 20.20
41 Algeria 61 [46 – 77] 163.00
42 South Africa 615 [427 – 835] 321.70
43 Lesotho 654 [406 – 959] 53.02
44 Niger 84 [54 – 120] 11.14
45 Eritrea 86 [40 – 151] 4.45
46 Mauritania 89 [58 – 127] 22.40

Now in the joined dataset, we have just the African countries, which is exactly what we wanted.

All rows from the left dataframe tb_2019_africa were kept, while non-African countries from health_exp_2019 were discarded.

We can check if any rows in tb_2019_africa did not have a match in health_exp_2019 by filtering for NaN values:

country cases conf_int_95 expend_usd
3 Mauritius 12 [9 – 15] NaN
16 South Sudan 227 [147 – 324] NaN
26 Comoros 35 [23 – 50] NaN

This shows that 3 countries—Mauritius, South Sudan, and Comoros—did not have expenditure data in health_exp_2019. But because they were present in tb_2019_africa, and that was the left dataframe, they were still included in the joined data.


21.12 Practice Q: Left Join TB Cases and Continents

The first, tb_cases_children, contains the number of TB cases in under 15s in 2012, by country:

country tb_cases_smear_0_14
0 Afghanistan 588.0
1 Albania 0.0
2 Algeria 89.0
4 Andorra 0.0
5 Angola 982.0
... ... ...
211 Viet Nam 142.0
213 West Bank and Gaza Strip 0.0
214 Yemen 105.0
215 Zambia 321.0
216 Zimbabwe 293.0

200 rows × 2 columns

And country_continents, lists all countries and their corresponding region and continent:

country.name.en continent region
0 Afghanistan Asia South Asia
1 Albania Europe Europe & Central Asia
2 Algeria Africa Middle East & North Africa
3 American Samoa Oceania East Asia & Pacific
4 Andorra Europe Europe & Central Asia
... ... ... ...
286 Yugoslavia NaN Europe & Central Asia
287 Zambia Africa Sub-Saharan Africa
288 Zanzibar NaN Sub-Saharan Africa
289 Zimbabwe Africa Sub-Saharan Africa
290 Åland Islands Europe Europe & Central Asia

291 rows × 3 columns

Your goal is to add the continent and region data to the TB cases dataset.

Which dataframe should be the left one? And which should be the right one? Once you’ve decided, join the datasets appropriately using a left join.

21.13 right join

A right join can be thought of as a mirror image of a left join. The mechanics are the same, but now all rows from the right dataframe are retained, while only those rows from the left dataframe that find a match in the right are kept.

Let’s look at an example to understand this. We’ll use our original people and modified test_info_xavier datasets:

name test_date result
0 Alice 2023-06-05 Negative
1 Bob 2023-08-10 Positive
2 Xavier 2023-05-02 Negative

Now let’s try a right join, with people as the right dataframe:

pd.merge(test_info_xavier, people, on='name', how='right')
name test_date result age
0 Alice 2023-06-05 Negative 25
1 Bob 2023-08-10 Positive 32
2 Charlie NaN NaN 45

Hopefully you’re getting the hang of this and could predict that output! Since people was the right dataframe, and we are using a right join, all the rows from people are kept—Alice, Bob, and Charlie—but only matching records from test_info_xavier.

The graphic below illustrates this process:

Right Join

An important point—the same final dataframe can be created with either a left join or a right join; it just depends on what order you provide the dataframes to these functions:

# Here, right join prioritizes the right dataframe, people
pd.merge(test_info_xavier, people, on='name', how='right')
name test_date result age
0 Alice 2023-06-05 Negative 25
1 Bob 2023-08-10 Positive 32
2 Charlie NaN NaN 45
# Here, left join prioritizes the left dataframe, again people
pd.merge(people, test_info_xavier, on='name', how='left')
name age test_date result
0 Alice 25 2023-06-05 Negative
1 Bob 32 2023-08-10 Positive
2 Charlie 45 NaN NaN

As we previously mentioned, data scientists typically favor left joins over right joins. It makes more sense to specify your primary dataset first, in the left position. Opting for a left join is a common best practice due to its clearer logic, making it less error-prone.

21.14 inner join

What makes an inner join distinct is that rows are only kept if the joining values are present in both dataframes. Let’s return to our example of individuals and their test results. As a reminder, here are our datasets:

name age
0 Alice 25
1 Bob 32
2 Charlie 45
name test_date result
0 Alice 2023-06-05 Negative
1 Bob 2023-08-10 Positive
2 Xavier 2023-05-02 Negative

Now that we have a better understanding of how joins work, we can already picture what the final dataframe would look like if we used an inner join on our two dataframes above. If only rows with joining values that are in both dataframes are kept, and the only individuals that are in both people and test_info_xavier are Alice and Bob, then they should be the only individuals in our final dataset! Let’s try it out.

pd.merge(people, test_info_xavier, on='name', how='inner')
name age test_date result
0 Alice 25 2023-06-05 Negative
1 Bob 32 2023-08-10 Positive

Perfect, that’s exactly what we expected! Here, Charlie was only in the people dataset, and Xavier was only in the test_info_xavier dataset, so both of them were removed. The graphic below shows how this join works:

Inner Join

Note that the default join type is inner. So if you don’t specify how='inner', you’re actually performing an inner join! Try it out:

pd.merge(people, test_info_xavier)
name age test_date result
0 Alice 25 2023-06-05 Negative
1 Bob 32 2023-08-10 Positive

21.15 Practice Q: Inner Join Products

The following data is on product sales and customer feedback in 2019.

product total_units_sold
0 Laptop 9751
1 Desktop 136
2 Tablet 8285
3 Smartphone 2478
4 Smartwatch 3642
5 Headphones 5231
6 Monitor 1892
7 Keyboard 4267
8 Mouse 3891
9 Printer 982
product n_positive_reviews n_negative_reviews
0 Laptop 1938 42
1 Desktop 128 30
2 Tablet 842 56
3 Smartphone 1567 89
4 Smartwatch 723 34
5 Headphones 956 28
6 Monitor 445 15
7 Gaming Console 582 11
8 Camera 234 8
9 Speaker 678 25

Use an inner join to combine the datasets.

How many products are there in common between the two datasets.

Which product has the highest ratio of positive reviews to units sold? (Should be desktops)

21.16 outer join

The peculiarity of the outer join is that it retains all records, regardless of whether or not there is a match between the two datasets. Where there is missing information in our final dataset, cells are set to NaN just as we have seen in the left and right joins. Let’s take a look at our people and test_info_xavier datasets to illustrate this.

Here is a reminder of our datasets:

name test_date result
0 Alice 2023-06-05 Negative
1 Bob 2023-08-10 Positive
2 Xavier 2023-05-02 Negative

Now let’s perform an outer join:

pd.merge(people, test_info_xavier, on='name', how='outer')
name age test_date result
0 Alice 25.0 2023-06-05 Negative
1 Bob 32.0 2023-08-10 Positive
2 Charlie 45.0 NaN NaN
3 Xavier NaN 2023-05-02 Negative

As we can see, all rows were kept so there was no loss in information! The graphic below illustrates this process:

Outer Join

Just as we saw above, all of the data from both of the original dataframes are still there, with any missing information set to NaN.


21.17 Practice Q: Join Sales Data

The following dataframes contain global sales and global customer complaints from various years.

year sales_count
0 2010 69890
1 2011 66507
2 2014 59831
3 2016 58704
4 2017 59151
year complaints_count
0 2011 1292
1 2013 1100
2 2015 1011
3 2016 940
4 2019 895

Join the above tables using the appropriate join to retain all information from the two datasets.

21.18 Wrap Up!

Way to go, you now understand the basics of joining! The Venn diagram below gives a helpful summary of the different joins and the information that each one retains. It may be helpful to save this image for future reference!

Join Types